Art al Quadrat / TwinsUK

Art al Quadrat / TwinsUK
13 febrero, 2016 Jesus Herrera

SOCIAS: Art al Quadrat (Gema y Mónica Del Rey Jordá)

ACTIVIDAD: Encuentro, taller y muestra de obra artística

TÍTULO: TwinsUK 21st Anniversary Party, London

FECHAS: 8 de Junio de 2013

LUGAR: St Thomas Hospital, Fountain Grounds, Westminster Bridge Road, Londres


Art al Quadrat will participate with:
-Workshops for Twins TWINS’ QUILT is an exciting project that will take place at the TwinsUK 21st Anniversary Party. This project has been developed by the art group, Art al Quadrat and will explore themes of twin identity & community. The Quilt will evolve as a work in progress during the party by the addition of drawings, texts, photos and other mixed media, and will be completed after the party.

GAME OF PAIRS is an interactive piece of work that consists of finding the matching cards. Each pair of twins will pick up two empty cards. Then, select an item (a tree, a car, a cat, a dog…) to draw. Each member of the pair will draw the item chosen trying to do it as identical as possible of the other one. Once the cards are drawn, put them together with the cards from the other pairs of twins, and enjoy the game!
-Twin artists: a collective expression (Video)
9 contemporary twin artists participate in this video compilation to show their own way of being twins. Among others, they deal with the creative process, the authorship concept, social pressure regarding the fact of being twins… and how all these concepts are related to their artistic work.The artitsts are: Uwe and Heiko Bressnik, Art al Quadrat (Gema and Mònica del Rey Jorda), Joachim-Lothar and Hansjürguen Gartner, Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler, Virgilius and Adrian Moldovan, Marie-France and Patricia Martin, Rosa and Mercedes Péris Medina, The Singh Twins, J² (Javier and Jaime Suárez Berrocal)-Art al Quadrat’s work



AVVAC - Artistes Visuals de València, Alacant i Castelló